
Month: February 2023


10 minutes to deliver 3 solid photos..and we killed it. It was his birthday.

Mary in many colours

We move in the speed of light. This was a moment we didn’t see coming at all; but then, we delivered the solid 7 because we’re ever ready for the…

Church Coverage

Watch this space: more of these to come…


It was a beautiful Sunday morning: and she asked that we take the shots with just the mobile phone we got at hand, iPhone XS Max. Oh yes we did;…

A special offer we hope to give soon

This should have happened last year’s December; but we had a lot of other engagements that beats our imagination and we never wanted any form of disappoint. But be that…

Her Birthday

This [with no doubt] is one of the toughest projects we ever handled. From photo shoot, to guitar solo and all the way down to music production. Everything you saw…


Again, we bring to you another short cinematic video….still from and by us…


Another short cinematic video from and by us…

JJ 2022

OK! You may have seen few of the photos. But hey! that is not enough. Actually, we handled both the photography and the videography aspect of the event.