
Category: Indoor Photo

The Golden Jubilee of Dr. Tolulope Oladeji

This is coming to you as a full gist. Sincerely, it was indeed a great privilege to handle the photography of this bodacious event of Dr. Tolu @ 50. Just…

Ecobank Nigeria

We are so delighted to man this operation; and as usual, we never let you down. So, sit back and relax while we feed you with some beautiful views from…

The Collation

On this joyous occasion: he was collated as Venerable Archdeacon in the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion and we were there to keep the memories for him.


10 minutes to deliver 3 solid photos..and we killed it. It was his birthday.

Church Coverage

Watch this space: more of these to come…


A sister in church [and a mother of 2] who pleaded for some shots from us; and we were kind enough to deliver FoC…

Spiritual Rejuvenation

It was a school spiritual warfare; and we covered the event – leaving no action untouched…

Free Birthday Shots

It was her birthday: so we decided to gift her these beautiful shots…

JJ 2022

OK! So on this occasion of James and Joy, we were there to hold tight the memories. However, we can only tell you this with few photos…

Ubong & Leke

A moment specially made for a celebration of love….