While this was done on a low budget: it made a way to our heart. Because, this is [with no doubt] one of the most favorite from our home shoot.
Category: Photography
Adeyinka Alaseyori Ministering @ the Crusade Ground
It was a crusade of over a thousand audience and of course we were there to give you some beautiful sights…
The Golden Jubilee of Dr. Tolulope Oladeji
This is coming to you as a full gist. Sincerely, it was indeed a great privilege to handle the photography of this bodacious event of Dr. Tolu @ 50. Just…
Ecobank Nigeria
We are so delighted to man this operation; and as usual, we never let you down. So, sit back and relax while we feed you with some beautiful views from…
The Collation
On this joyous occasion: he was collated as Venerable Archdeacon in the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion and we were there to keep the memories for him.
10 minutes to deliver 3 solid photos..and we killed it. It was his birthday.
Mary in many colours
We move in the speed of light. This was a moment we didn’t see coming at all; but then, we delivered the solid 7 because we’re ever ready for the…
Church Coverage
Watch this space: more of these to come…
It was a beautiful Sunday morning: and she asked that we take the shots with just the mobile phone we got at hand, iPhone XS Max. Oh yes we did;…
Her Birthday
This [with no doubt] is one of the toughest projects we ever handled. From photo shoot, to guitar solo and all the way down to music production. Everything you saw…